Introduction to the Product Facilitator channel

  • Hello there, everyone! Today is a special day as I introduce my new venture: Product Facilitator!

  • You might be wondering, why “Product Facilitator”? Let’s break it down.

  • “Product” isn’t just a term, it’s here to stay! Product Development Lifecycle (PDLC), Product-Led Growth (PLG), Lean Startup and the MVP (Minimal Viable Product), Agile Frameworks like Scrum that center around Product and Product goals. Do I have to name more?

  • And what’s a “Facilitator”? Facilitation is engaging participants in creating, discovering, and applying learning insights. Imagine a skilled guide who brings people together, encourages collaboration, and helps ideas flourish.

  • The focus of Product Facilitator is on empowering your product development journey. From mastering agile approaches to crafting impactful products using business strategy frameworks and modern architecture principles and practices. I provide training, interactive workshops and coaching that cover the topics agile, product development and architecture.

  • Curious for more info? Discover my in-company and individual training, online workshops and agile coaching on

  • Besides these training offers I provide custom workshops on location in the Netherlands and Belgium or online.

Want to get to know me better?

Why don’t we plan a free half an hour session to get introduced and talk about your challenge one on one?

Or get in touch with me using contact
or call +31 612833785