Architecture training

Since 2014 I’ve trained and coached more than 50 companies on several topics.

What makes my courses so popular? I have 20 years experience in the software development and architecture field combined with agile coaching.

With this knowledge I am able to think along and facilitate in technical subjects.

Incompany architecture principles design & ADR

In this workshop you will learn to setup architecture principles to bring guidance in your IT organization. With the use of Architecture Decision Records (ADRs) you and your team learn to document important decisions.
2.900 Price per group of max. 12 persons excl. VAT
  • In-company workshop of 1 day
  • Bring architectural guidance
  • Use Architectural Decision Records
  • Interactive workshop
  • Location Netherlands or Belgium
  • Also globally online

Incompany event storming (DDD)

This interactive experience is a cross-discipline collaboration used for discovery or design based on storytelling. In this workshop the business flow of your organization is explored end-to-end.
2.500 Price per group of max. 12 persons excl. VAT
  • In-company workshop of 1 day
  • Domain Driven Design (DDD)
  • Collaborative discovery or design
  • Visualize and discuss solutions
  • Location Netherlands or Belgium
  • Also globally online

Incompany behavior driven development (BDD)

With this hands-on training you will learn to improve the understanding and communication of requirements. Elevate software development through BDD and deliver software that aligns with stakeholder expectations.
2.900 Price per group of max. 12 persons excl. VAT
  • In-company workshop of 1 day
  • Collaborative specification
  • Understandable requirements
  • Hands-on interactive workshop
  • Location Netherlands or Belgium
  • Also globally online

They already followed a course

Not sure about the course you need?

Why don’t we plan a free half an hour session to get introduced and talk about your challenge one on one?

Or get in touch with me using contact
or call +31 612833785