How I protect your information

I respect your privacy. I don’t share your data with other organizations.

I’m Product Facilitator

When I write ‘I’ on this page I mean  Product Facilitator which is a trademark of Velthoven Business Consultancy which is the self-employed company of Jan Kees Velthoven. You can read more on the about page.

Product Facilitator

My home in Boskoop:
Voorofscheweg 404
2771MS Boskoop
The Netherlands

T: +31 6 128 337 85

CoC: 61531227
VAT: NL001968941B49

Personal data I collect

I collect and process only the information you give me yourself, by:

  • Filling out a form on this website
  • Creating an account on the Product Facilitator Academy
  • Emailing or calling me
  • Contacting me in another way
  • This means I’ll usually ask for your email address and name. For some forms, I need more information.

How I use personal information

I only use your information to send you what you’ve requested and to provide you with advice on various agile and product development related topics.

Through my online forms, you can:

  • Subscribe to my advice and tools via email
  • Order services or products
  • Register for one of my events or courses
  • Or ask for more information


This is what I use your data for. I can also send you a customer satisfaction survey or more information about related products and services.

I can get in touch with you through email or telephone. Would you rather I not contact you at all? Not a problem: you can find out all about it here.

I will never pass on or sell your information to other organizations. I only use it within my own company. In very exceptional cases wich never happened a law or a court ruling can oblige me to pass on your information. This is the case for every company.

For certain activities, I use tools by third parties like Google Analytics. These are not ‘data recipients’ but third-party data processors.

I don’t keep information for longer than is necessary to fulfill the purposes I’ve just described.

Account on Product Facilitator Academy

When you purchase a course or digital product from Product Facilitator Academy, an account is created, providing access to online videos and downloads. To set up this account, the following information is required:

  • First name and last name
  • Email address: Notifications about the order, invoice, purchase, as well as agile advice, will be sent via email. Additionally, any order-related problems will be resolved through email correspondence.
  • Company name and VAT number: Useful for those opting to exclude VAT from payment.
  • Address: Required for payment processing.
  • For payment processing, a secure payment environment is utilized. I dont have access to view actual payment or banking details.


You have the option to modify the information within the online account. If an account deletion is desired, notification can be sent to


Similar to other professional websites, this website utilizes cookies for proper functionality. A cookie, a small file sent by a web server and stored on your computer’s hard disk, contains anonymous information about your website visit.

The following cookies are employed:

  • Jetpack: Used to assess the performance of this website. This data is not individualized, meaning we are unaware of specific page visit durations, for instance. No information regarding your personal interactions on our website is stored.
  • Hotjar: Used to assess the performance of this website. This data is not individualized, meaning we are unaware of specific page visit durations, for instance. No information regarding your personal interactions on our website is stored.


I also incorporate cookies to retain your preferences, this prevents the need to close identical pop-ups upon each visit to our website.

Data protection

The law obliges me to take the necessary security measures. This way, I avoid the loss, unlawful use or alteration of personal data.

You can always email or call me if you have a question about our privacy policy.

Your rights

Every data subject like your information has rights and I’m required to tell you these rights.

  1. Right to access: would you like to know which information I store about you? Let me know by email and I show you.
  2. Right to rectification: do I have incorrect information about you? Do I have the wrong address or am I spelling your name wrong? You have the right to let me correct your information.
  3. Right to restrict processing: you don’t mind staying in my database, but you don’t want me to contact you? Let me know. I add your contact preference.
  4. Right to object to processing: when you want me to no longer use your data but I’m still storing it. This right is similar to the previous one, but there is a difference. If you choose number 3, I will no longer contact you, but I can still process your data. If you choose number 4, I can only store your data (and not use it).
  5. Right to be forgotten: would you like to be erased from my databases? And not just limit the processing and contact options (rights 3 and 4)? Then you should claim right number 5, and I erase you from our databases. If you’re a client of ours, it’s useful if we have your data.
  6. Right to object to automated processing: I don’t make use of any automated processing.
  7. Right for data portability: you can ask me to give the information I have about you. This information is what you’ve given us yourself (e.g., by filling out a contact form on our website).

You have the right to file a complaint about my privacy policy

I do my best to comply with the law in my privacy and cookie policy. Do you still want to file a complaint? Please let me know on