Different Organization Levels of Agile Coaching


  • In this video I like to share my vision on Agile Coaching on the different levels of an organization.

  • I like to learn from your experience in this field and the structure you apply overseeing all the different aspects.

  • Agile coaching covers multiple aspects of the organization.

  • I structure these aspects in People, Process and Product as central themes.

  • The People that create Products as a team of teams, the way we do this as the Process and the Product itself including the connection and value perception with the users and stakeholders.

Agile Coaching Across Organizational Levels

Coaching at the Individual Level

  • Individual level: As an agile coach, I am convinced that there should be room for the individual in the form of support as a listening ear.

  • In doing so, I rely on the coachee’s ability to solve problems.

  • In addition, I help the individual with personal development on hard and soft skills.

  • I am always discreet if it comes to one-on-one conversations.

  • With all the one-on-one conversations, I am able to recognize patterns on team and organizational level.

Coaching at the Team Level

  • Team level: I work closely with the various roles in the agile team to effectively apply the agile principles and values.

  • The team is stimulated through my training and workshops to find new ways working together more effectively on real customer problems.

  • During the process I help to share observations on the collaboration and I stimulate a safe environment to achieve results.

Coaching at the Team Relation Level

  • Team relation level: Release trains, value streams, team of teams, whatever you call it.

  • Coaching at this level is about learning from each other to proactively align with each other to solve real customer problems together.

  • At this level I try to bring structure by mapping the value streams of the organization with visualization and stimulating the next collaboration improvement in the teams and management.

  • Facilitating alignment sessions between teams is a practical example at this level. But you can also think about visualizing the different team health aspects like fun, value delivery. Personally I like to use the Spotify Team Health Check for example.

  • In addition, I help connect individuals to stimulate cross-fertilization of skills outside the teams. One of the tool I like is the skill matrix from lean which I will cover in a later video.

Coaching at Leadership and Organization Level

  • At this level I focus on developing agile leadership capabilities within the organization.

  • I work with executives, managers, business, architects and other leaders to increase their understanding of agile principles and values.

Closing and Call to Action

  • So I shared my approach and vision on agile coaching. I really like to learn from you here.

  • Where do you see a match or mismatch in your approach?

  • Did I miss some aspects maybe we can handle in a next video?

  • I hope you liked this video. Thank you for watching.

  • Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and see you next time.

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